
The Illegal Environmental-impact Assessment Review

The Illegal Environmental-impact Assessment Review of InfraVest Wind Power Co.

Near the residential area of Yuanli Town, InfraVest (InfraVest Wind Power Co.) plans to build high-density wind turbines that are more than one hundred meters high with a rotating speed of 160km/h at the tail end of the rotor blades.. Besides the residential areas and settlements, harbors, roads, farmland, and even the natural reserves of white egret will all be in the shadow of giant wind turbines.

While InfraVest claims that it already passed the EIA review and obtained a construction permit, lawyers and engineering experts have found that the EIA review of this case was seriously flawed.  Not only does the information in its EIA report contain false information, but InfraVest, as a German renewable energy company, has violated its corporate social responsibility as stated in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Global Compact by using coercion and threats against people expressing their concerns and opposition.

FACT Sheet regarding the Unethical operation of InfraVest’s wind farm construction in Yuanli
1.    InfraVest manipulated the EIA review with false information
With respect to its development in three townsYuanli, Tongsiao and Jhunanin its EIA report, InfraVest tried to deceive the EIA review commission by conforming to a seemingly reasonable scale in accordance with regulation.  However, its real plan is to transfer an additional five turbines to Yuanli Town, which has the shortest coastline among the three.  The residents have brought Infravest’s flawed EIA review to administrative court and the case is in process.

2.    Lack of consultation with local residents, who are the stakeholders in this case. 
InfraVest did not hold any public briefings or meetings with residents of Yuanli while the living environment in Yuanli was severely affected by InfraVest’s construction of wind turbines.  The majority of local residents knew nothing of the construction, which government thought was only minor construction when the machines and tools arrived in their village.  After realizing the situation, more than half of the residents stood up and opposed the construction. In spite of this, InfraVest still shows no sincerity in communicating with the local residents and keeps pushing for construction—even by force. Without sufficient communication with the stakeholders, the local residents have no trust in InfraVest and consider the construction illegitimate.

3. InfraVest claims that it is a “green company” while refusing to observe any CSR guidelines.  The company not only keeps providing false information to the government and the public, but it also hires thugs to use violence against the protestors.  Such practice has bankrupted its credibility and caused great danger to human life and the environment

In its EIA report, InfraVest clearly stated that they intended “to keep a long distance between the construction of wind turbines and any buildings.  The space between north-south bound turbines should be 350 meters, and the east-west 210 meters”. In reality, the company did not keep its promise in the report and most of the turbines have a much shorter interval space.  One engineering expert has expressed his concern that the insufficient distance will cause negative effects to the environment and even damage people’s lives and property.

Additional reports—

(FEATURE) Wind power firm hires thugs to protect site

