
Who is the InfraVest co.?

At the beginning of innoVent and infraVest in 1996, there were already several companies active in the area of wind energy in Germany. Thus the long-term goal already set at the founding of the company was not just to concentrate on the German market, but to expand beyond the German borders. Since then, the activities have rapidly spread to our European neighbors as well as to other continents, so that today the Group has a large, internationally promising portfolio of numerous wind projects in different stages of development.


source: http://www.innovent.eu/index.php?id=12&L=1

Project, Function
Windfarm Tongyuan, 19 x 2,300 kW
project development, planning and realization
Miaoli, (Taiwan)under construction
Windfarm Houlong, 21 x 2,300 kW
project development, planning and realization
Miaoli, (Taiwan)in operation since 04/2013, the rest under construction
Windfarm Xinfong, 5 x 2,300 kW
project development, planning and realization
Xinchu, (Taiwan)in operation since 03/2012
Windfarm Chunan II, 3 x 2,300 kW
project development, planning and realization
Miaoli, (Taiwan)in operation since 09/2011
Windfarm Guanyin, 21 x 2,300 kW
project development, planning and realization
Taoyuan, (Taiwan)in operation between 2010 ~ 2013
Windfarm Taichung, 33 x 2,300 kW
project development, planning and realization
Taichung, (Taiwan)in operation between 2009 ~ 2013
Windfarm Changbin, 42 x 2,300 kW
project development, planning and realization
Changhua, (Taiwan)in operation between 2007 ~ 2011
Windfarm Miaoli, 25 x 2,000 kW
project development, planning and realization
Miaoli, (Taiwan)in operation since 03/2006
Source http://www.infra-vest.com/english/project.html

